What are lash extensions made of?
All lash extensions are made out of one of two materials - real mink fur or PBT fibers (plastic). Strip lashes are also made out of both of these materials, but can also be other animal fur or even human hair.
Real mink fur is very rarely used for lash extensions.
Almost all artists and salons advertising mink lash extensions are using synthetic mink, made out of PBT. This may be sold to professionals and clients as “mink” or “faux mink”. In some instances, artists may think they have real mink extensions, when in reality they are offering PBT extensions. This labelling can lead to confusion for artists and clients.
Real mink fur is very rarely used for both ethical and practical reasons. We never use real mink extensions at my studio and never will.
Adhering animal fur to your eyes can lead to an increased likelihood of developing an allergic reaction. Fur that has come off of an animal is unlikely to be as sanitary as non-porous PBT fibers and may be less safe.
Real mink fur does not hold a curl as well as the synthetic PBT extensions. Once it gets wet it will lose its curl.
Real mink fur lashes are more expensive than PBT extensions.
The primary reason I reject the use of real mink is ethical. I do not believe that animals should be bred, kept in cages, or killed for something as trivial as lashes.
Wild animals belong in the wild, not on my face.
Here is a link to a video of a mink fur farm in Europe for anyone curious about the farming process.
So why do people want real mink fur extensions? Clients often have the idea that real mink fur is softer and more luxurious than regular lash extensions. It isn’t. It’s a pain in the ass to work with, doesn’t hold a curl, and is easily replaced and exceeded by the multitude of options available from PBT lash extensions. It has been pushed out the market because it has been replaced with a better product.
So, what are PBT lash extensions?
PBT (Polybutylene Terephthalate) is a heat resistant polymer that is widely used across many industries. If you are reading this and wearing lash extensions, they are almost certainly synthetic. These PBT extensions are durable, hold a curl for a long time, are able to be made into single fibers as small as 0.02 mm’s in diameter.
PBT lashes may be sold as mink, faux mink, silk, sable, cashmere etc. All of these labels are for marketing purposes and do not consistently refer to the same qualities. Generally they refer to the taper of the lash and whether it has a matte finish or not. The differences are small and many lash extensions are now just sold by diameter, rather than label. The diameter of the extensions has the biggest impact on how the set will look and feel, far more than if it is a “silk” or “mink” lash.
These lashes come in a variety of curls (J, B, C, CC, D, DD, M, L, LU, LC, LD, L+), lengths, and diameters.
The smaller diameters are used for volume lashing, with larger diameters used for classic extensions. Diameters range from 0.02 mm to 0.25 mm.
The diameter is the measurement across the base of lash extension. Smaller diameters are lighter weight and softer, while larger diameters are heavier and more stiff.
These lashes come in all colours of the rainbow. They can have an ombre effect, with the base having a different colour than the tip. Glitter extensions and even glow in the dark extensions are available.
Since these lashes are made of plastic it’s important to be wary of high heat, such as BBQ’s, fires, and ovens, as the heat may cause the extensions to warp or lose their curl.
Ultimately, you will have a hard time finding an artist who carries real mink fur extensions, and it will likely become more difficult in the future, and that’s great. Synthetic lashes are fantastic to work with, extremely customizable, and far more durable than real mink.